Poolsman preview 2 released
Friday, December 2, 2022
We are pleased to present the 2nd Poolsman preview release with various new features and significant bug fixing based on first user experience. It includes:
- Editing settings of existing datasets (both file systems and volumes).
- Renaming of existing snapshots.
- Ability to safely disconnect pool from the system (pool export).
- Theme settings are persistent now and stored in a browser local storage.
- Data validation in all forms has been significantly improved.
- Fixed issues with various antivirus and firewall systems, that prevended loading Blazor WebAssembly files in a web browser.
Today we are also starting to provide a free 7-day trial access upon request in manual mode (it will be automated later). If you'd like to get a trial now, please register on Poolsman website and ask for a trial key via Contact form.